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Diver Certificate Levels

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A introductory course for those who are interested in diving is a great option. A buceo, or baptism of the water, is this course is great for people with no diving experience and those with short time. You can begin diving in 12 metres or up, but you'll need a dive instructor to complete the course. If you choose to continue your training, you will be able to obtain a Rescue or Advanced open-water certification.

PADI Scuba Diver

There are many PADI Scuba Diver levels. For those who are just beginning, the introductory course is a good starting point. Once they have achieved certain levels of competence, they can move on to a higher level. The PADI Scuba Diver course consists of 14 modules, which are broken into three sections. The course usually lasts three days, but can be upgraded in as little as 1/1.5 days. This course is very popular and allows you to dive up to 18 metres.

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Advanced open-water diver

Open water divers who have completed an Open Water Diver Course, and obtained an AOW certificate are called advanced open water divers. AOW divers can dive to depths greater than 60 feet. They can also improve their buoyancy and air consumption. Advanced open water divers can also dive in specialty areas like wreck diving. There are several levels of AOW certificates. These levels have different requirements. You can read more about these levels by reading on.

Rescue diver

There are three levels of Rescue Diver certification: technical, recreational and leader. International Standards Organisation, (ISO), establishes the standards. These training levels are based upon BS EN 14413-2 and ISO 24801-1, 2004. Level-one instructors are qualified to instruct recreational divers, assess their knowledge up to the diver level one and plan and conduct dives. They can also lead divers in open waters and assist with rescue operations.

Cave-1 class

For a cave diver certification program, you will need to have at least 40 hours of instruction and experience. Cave diving skills and standard procedures are covered. Emergency procedures and hazards are also discussed. During the cave course, students are assessed on their skills through two sections: academics as well as water-based exercises. They must also demonstrate their proficiency and skills by passing an exam. The course requires the student to complete a cave dive course manual.

scuba diving certification

Master Scuba Diver

Master Scuba Diver certification comes in five levels. Open Water is the first level. It is where you learn to dive, manage your gear, and teach others. You can also choose electives at the next two levels. You can dive with other Master Scuba Divers as long as they are also certified. You will also receive a 10% discount when you take this level.


Diver Certificate Levels